Re-branding is a process of renewing an old brand. The real and more profound meaning of the term refers to several measures (from changing the strategy of exploring the potential of a brand which gets thus a new perception from the public).
If we talk about a superficial re-branding, we talk about a change of visual identity, a change of logo, of name, a new company of promoting, finally an improved visual style that helps to the re-position of the product on the market.
If we talk about a profound re-branding we talk about the brand of a great organization. All the components of the company are implied in this process, from the strategy of business, position of the brand, to the policy of the marketing and the cultural values of the company.
So, the re-branding supposes structural changes meant to replace the brand on the market so that the public perception is optimized.
We cannot talk about re-branding when there is a re-launching involved. We can talk about re-branding only if we want to change the perception of the target regarding the benefits of the brand.
The brand represents the totality of the methods a company or a product communicates through. The re-branding (often call reposition, too) is the process in which an organization, a product or a service is being marketed or distributed under a new identity. A new segmentation of the market or/and the differentiation of a product can lead to a re-branding. This differentiates from other forms of re-branding by the fact that the process doesn’t imply the elimination of the image of the “company mother” brand. The re-branding must lead to the modification of the customer’s perception to the brand itself 9of a product, of a service, of a company). Although it is often seen as a change of the visual identity, this is or it should be only the peak of the iceberg. Only if we talk about adding a new promise or characteristics, we talk about re-branding only if the changes are accompanied by repositioning. A new company is not re-branding, even together with a new “face” of the packing, because it doesn’t try to change the customer’s perception to the attributes of the brand. On one hand, the graphic identity, the logo, the equipments, the employers, the buildings, the site and the packing are to be changed. On the other hand, the identity of corporation is to be modified: mission, vision, values, and also, the intern public (the employers), and the extern public (mass-media, consumers, distributors, authorities, partners) will be informed.
There are few people those who really “see” the advantages of the re-branding-the fact that this process is similar to a speed race, in the world of modern marketing, where the organizational motor is adapted to a reality which is in constant change. This advantage can be no longer ignored.
The marketing race has had a new dynamic for several years. Its cause is diverse: from technologic, informational and economic changes, felt even in Romania, to the globalization phenomenon, to the massive growth of the product and services offer and finally to the accepting of a new type of manager and management. And thus we have an important dynamic that requires a new model of marketing communication.
But there is a disadvantage of this new dynamic, too. As every new presence, the re-branding is known more as a modern subject than something that must be really understood and applied efficiently. And this happens not only on written press, on TV or on web-lines, but also on marketing and advertising professionalists’community. Although everybody wants to talk about re-branding, the problem is that the process is not only treated superficially, but many times is superficial. We must not forgive that the re-branding process is a very wide one, a process that implies all the components of the organization and that should have not only an aesthetic role but a functional one, too.
There are two ways to define the communication of the changes: the reactive one that belongs to the amateurs, and the proactive way used by professionals.
The reactive way is extremely risky. Because of the need of the organization to communicate its actualized identity, several measures are taken to implement a new or a modified brand. Being a long time process, at the end of it, the organization realizes that it doesn’t fit to the new brand, any longer.
Talking about the proactive way of the re-branding we must say that it surprises and synthesizes the future evolution of the brand, not only the present one. It also implies the whole organization in the process of changing, of building the new brand, minimizing the internal resistance to the changing.
This is the great opportunity to win a race whose first price is not only the heart and the mind of the public, but also a market-share that will be more and more disputed in Romania, or why not in a Europe of a new millennium. |
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innoirea identitatii
rebranding-ul machiaj, operatie estetica? sau evolutie autentica?